Monday, May 31, 2010

Day Dreams

*Click on image to enlarge*

Woke up early this morning for some reason and decided to "clean" my SL closet. I was also thinking about putting an outfit together for the blog but decided to just throw something on and go with that. I found these boots while looking for a dress from another blog and I just love them. I am finding the coolest clothes from just checking out other blogs and not just from the well known designers.

What I'm wearing:

Hair: Truth-Lucinda-Auburn

Bikini: by LunaTex-store is gone but any bikini will work for a splash of color

Shorts: MPD-Serendipity Cutoff Shorts-3 pack-MPD is moving to this new location...make sure and stop by for great values on fat packs

Boots: KOA-Suede Fringe Boots-Ash

Top: Sn@tch - Warm In Here-Beige/Sheer

Monday, May 17, 2010


Shep and I have some rituals that make our SL more connected to RL (at least that is how I feel). One of the newest ones is meeting every morning for coffee. We are on different time zones so we have to adjust our RL schedules sometimes to accommodate our coffee time but we don't mind. SL for me is an escape from some of the pressures I face in my RL and these little moments are so precious to me.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Ok, Now What?

I've been reading blogs about SL for quite awhile now and I just love to see the fashion and hear about some other fellow "SL'ers" adventures and insites. Anyway I thought why not, I'll give it a shot and see....I want to showcase some favorite outfits and fun adventures I have with my amazing partner (if he agrees). Ok we will see how this goes.....